Important Terms
This document occasionally makes a distinction between library code and project code. Library code is closed or open source libraries that are meant to be reusable components across many projects. Project code is code written for a single specific project.
- Amazon EC2 w/EBS or DigitalOcean
- Debian 8 (Jessie)
- Apache 2.4+
- PHP 7.1+
- PostgreSQL 9.3+
All Engineers must understand and implement the best practices around:
- HTTP Methods
- SSL (HTTPS) Usage
- SQL Injection
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Cross-Site Request Forgeries (CSRF)
- Password Hashing
- Session Fixation
- Email Injection
- Path Traversal
For a very detailed guide to web security issues, view the OWASP Security Guide
Third-Party Code
Any Third-Party Code, being framework or library dependencies for any given project, shall only be used or included if it meets the one of the following conditions:
- It has been licensed under the MIT License, BSD License, or Apache 2.0 License.
- It has been licensed under a separate agreement approved by an officer of Imarc or Imarc’s Director of Engineering.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Imarc retains all necessary rights to sell, license and distribute any code developed or maintained during the course of business.
Dependency Management
All PHP dependencies are managed by Composer. Get started with Composer by reading their intro documentation. By default, Composer installs all dependencies into a /vendor
directory within your project.
- Project and library code should never have
directory committed. - Project code should always commit the
To ignore the /vendor
directory, the following line should be added to your .gitignore
Versioning and Tagging
All library code should follow Semantic Versioning.
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Library code versions should be tagged appropriately in Git to work seamlessly with Composer.
Depending on the requirements, project code can be versioned by release, or not at all.
Unless a special autoloader is needed, all autoloaders should follow PSR-4 or PSR-0.
The best practice is to use Composer’s built-in autoloader.
All PHP unit and behavioral tests should be written in PHPUnit or PHPSpec.
All libraries should have full test converage. Project based code should have unit tests for key components, unless requirements specify otherwise.
Coding Style
All PHP style should follow PSR-1 and PSR-2.
Style can be validated and fixed with CodeSniffer. Install CodeSniffer with composer:
composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"
Ensure that your code follows the standards:
phpcs --standard=psr1,psr2 .
Imarc exceptions to PSR standards and specific items that PSR 1 and 2 don’t address can be found below.
Line Breaks
Set your text editor to only use Unix line-break (\n), not Windows (\r\n) or Mac (\r) breaks.
Indenting & Spacing
Use tab character at the beginning of a line. A tab is expected to represent the width of four spaces. For inline spacing, use spaces, not tabs.
if (condition) {
action(); // indented with one tab
$foo = "bar"; //lined up with spaces
$foo_bar = "foobar"; //lined up with spaces
Since inline content is lined up with spaces, a mono spaced font is always used when editing code.
Complicated conditions
Complicated condition checking should be performed by assigning boolean values
to meaningful variables and should then be combined on a single line for the
$foo_bar_not_baz = $foo && $foo == $bar && $foo != $baz;
$bar_like_baz = !empty($bar['name']) && $baz['name'] && $bar['name'] == $baz['name'];
if ($foo_bar_not_baz || $bar_like_baz) {
Complex or Nested Arrays
Complex or nested arrays use the following indention format, noted via the closing parenthesis characters:
$array = [
'name1' => 'value1',
'name2' => [
'subname1' => 'subvalue1',
'subname2' => 'subvalue2'
Code with Markup
If PHP is used for a templating language, follow the same indenting standards. With the exception of PHP tags: after one item opens, the next item is indented.
foreach ($users as $user) {
<?= $user->getName() ?>
Class and Namespace Names
Class naming should follow the conventions in PSR-1
Namespaces should ideally be singular and be given a name describing the the project or segment of the project. Namespaces must be in upper camel case.
namespace MyLibraryName\User;
Interface, Trait, and Exception naming
All Interfaces, Traits, and Exceptions should have a suffix representing their type.
Function Names
User defined functions should be in lowercase, using underscores to separate words. Take care to minimize the letter count, but do not use abbreviations, because they greatly decrease the readability of the function name itself.
function mcrypt_self_test()
// ...
function mysql_list_fields()
// ...
Variable Names
Use underscores or lowerCamelCase for variable names. The main thing is to be consistent with the library or project you are working with.
Variable names must be meaningful. One letter variable names must be avoided,
except for places where the variable has no real meaning or a trivial meaning
(e.g. for ($i=0;
Reference Assignment
If assigning a reference to a variable, place the ampersand next to the equal sign, not the referenced object.
$reference =& $foo;
$reference =& foo();
Private Variables
Make all class variables private or protected (unless there’s a really good
reason not to). Create setBar()
methods to set private class variables, and
methods to retrieve their data.
class Foo
private $bar;
public function setBar($in) {
$this->bar = $in;
public function getBar() {
return $this->bar;
Documentation & Commenting
Documentation for code follows the PHPDoc Standard
Library code must always have documentation. For project code, the level of documentation is left up to the requirements or lead developer on that particular project, yet it is highly encouraged.
Class Documentation
The class header block at the top of the file uses the template below.
* Description of class
* @copyright 2015 Imarc LLC
* @author Your Name <>
* @author Another Name <>
* @package Project or Library name
* @link URL if relevant
An author should add their name to the @authors
list after any edit.
Function and Method Docblocks
Functions and methods are commented using the template below. If there are no
parameters, do not include @param void
* Description of function.
* @throws ExceptionClass Optional description of when
* @throws OtherException
* @param type $varname A description of the param (which may also
* span multiple lines if necessary)
* @param type $varname A description of the param
* @return datatype Description of return value.
Inline Comments
Inline comments always follow the C++ comment style with two forward slashes
// Here is a comment
Unix shell-style
comments – # comment
– are always avoided.
Error Handling
Production and staging environments are generally configured to email error messages, while development environments typically display error messages on screen as HTML.
Production environments should never display PHP-generated error messages to the end-user.
When error messages are emailed, always address a production team, not an
individual developer, in case that developer is not available. The preferred
format for emailing error message is
Error Reporting
All code must work with
error_reporting set to E_ALL
Databases and SQL
Imarc prefers Postgres for storing relational data.
Non-trivial SQL statements should be broken onto multiple lines for readability.
users AS u LEFT JOIN
groups AS g ON u.group_id = g.group_id
WHERE = 'Administrators' AND
g.status = 'Active'
u.last_name ASC,
u.first_name ASC
SQL identifiers are lower case. All SQL reserved words and functions are uppercase.
status NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Active' CHECK(status IN ('Active', 'Inactive'))
Database Naming
Name your database after the primary domain it serves. Since database names can’t contain periods, replace the domain’s period(s) with underscores. Exclude ‘www’ from the database name unless the domain starts with with a number, since databases names in most systems can’t start with numbers.
Database Name: wiki_example_com
Database Name: www_123project_com
All names (database, table, and column names) are lowercase, with underscores to separate words, to avoid case sensitivity issues.
Table names are plural (users
Column names are singular (first_name
The primary key column is named id
unless a better descriptive name is appropriate.
Character Encoding
UTF-8 should be used as the character encoding for all aspects of a web applicaiton.
UTF-8 is one of the most robust and widely-supported character encodings, which means that all parts of a site can share content without converting between encodings.
The following list of includes some of, but not necessarily all, the aspects of a site that need to be build with UTF-8 in mind:
- Set your editor to use UTF-8. Include the correct meta tags, as specified by frontend standards. Force the correct HTTP content-type header.
- Use correct content-type headers and meta tags to ensure that browsers are sending UTF-8 for form contents. Also use UTF-8 safe string functions.
- Database
- Most databases require that the encoding be set when the database is created. Ensure your database connection is set to use UTF-8.
- When sending emails, be sure to use code that supports UTF-8 in recipient names, the subject and the body
- Other Data
- Be sure to convert (if necessary) and clean data coming from old databases, external systems, XML files, CSV files and other such data sources
Storing and Naming Files
This section describes file and directory naming conventions and overall directory structure.
Directory Structure
All server-side files should be kept separate from public files. This helps prevent unintentional exposure of sensitive information such as passwords.
Server-side files are files that are written in a programming language that is executed on the server. The output of these files is sent to the user’s browser. These are stored outside of the document root.
Public files include all files that are directly sent to the client without
any sort of processing. This includes images, CSS, JS, and other supporting
files such as robots.txt
. These files are stored in the document root.
Separation of Concerns
All backend code will fall into one of three areas of concern: data access, display, or business logic. These areas map roughly to the Model, View, and Controller aspects of an MVC architecture. The code for each of these areas of concern should be kept separate from the others.
The model layer contains all code that interacts with the database. Models
provide an API to the controller and views. Models are implemented as classes.
All data access should go through model objects and not through lower-level
database related APIs such as fDatabase
or fRecordSet
. Model objects should
not handle user input or output content.
The controllers for a site interpret user input, determine actions to perform on models, then direct output by selecting an appropriate view. Controllers should be classes, but in some cases may be procedural pages. Controllers should never directly access the database or output content.
The view layer contains all code for generating output, whether it be HTML, JSON or CSV. Code in views is limited to conditional logic, encoding, and formatting. Views should only interact with models and data passed to them by the controller. Views should not directly interpret user input or implement business logic.
Friendly URLs
URL words are lower case with hyphens as separators. With dynamic pages, use the title or primary content identifier in the URL to help with search engine optimization.
When using dynamic content such as an article title to create a URL, limit the textual portion to about 50 characters. Trim on a natural word break if possible.
// Blog Title = We're Hiring: Positions available for PHP developers and Systems Administrators
// URL = /blog/were-hiring-positions-available-for-php-developers
Trailing Slashes
URLs should never end with a trailing slash.
In production environments, we aim to be more lenient in what’s acceptaned.
Production URLs that end with a slash permanently redirect to the actual URL.
For example, /about/employees/
will redirect to /about/employees
production, but during development, /about/employees/
will result in a 404
error. This ensures all links to a single resource are consistent.
Example URLs and IPs
for all example URLs, per RFC
Use the IP range
for all example IP addresses, per RFC
3330. If you just need a single
IP address use